Medha Patkar attacked in West Bengal

Medha Patkar attacked in West Bengal
Medha begins Satyagraha on the highway to Nandigram

NANDIGRAM: Medha Patkar, D Sarkar, Sunanda Sanyal, Tarun Sarkar and others were attacked by CPM cadres and have sustained injuries in West Bengal.
All this was done only to stop Medha Patkar and other activists from entering Nandigram. Medha Patkar was invited by the people of Nandigram after a spate of violence and killing in the area. She has been visiting Nandigram ever since the struggle has started.
We condemn the attitude of the Police who behaved as onlookers and were totally indifferent towards such violent acts by the CPM cadre who were shouting slogans and carrying red flags while breaking cars and beating people.
We the representatives of people's movements, strongly condemn the violent attack on non-violent activists heading towards Nandigram.
At present she along with many activists including Anuradha Talwar of NTUI are sitting on satayagraha on the highway towards Nandigram.
We have always been working together with CPM in other states on various issues, what is it in Nandigram that the Government is so desperate not to allow us to enter Nandigram, and to behave violently with the peaceful activists?
It is ironical that in the state where CPM is ruling, on the one hand there is an attack by its cadre and goons and on the other the police who are supposed to protect the people, are acting indifferent. Is the government hand and glove with the goons?
On one hand, CPM talks about farmers' and marginalized people's rights, but on the other, it hinders the process of struggle through severe state repression. The democratic spaces in West Bengal have almost disappeared.
- Stop killing and attacking peaceful protesters - including residents of Nandigram.
- Investigate the incident of killings and take immediate and appropriate action against the people involved in this violent attack and also against the police who despite being present, did nothing to protect.
- The President, the Prime Minister, Home Minister should take every step to force CPM Govt. and party to lift the siege of Nandigram.
- Compel the Chief Minister of West Bengal to prevent the police and party cadres from entering and capturing Nandigram territory
- Send medical and other help to the area
- Send an All-party team of MPs to investigate and mediate to bring peace and security to the area

Action Alert
Please send faxes to CM and Home Minster West Bengal:

Prime Minster's fax Number- 0 11-23019545 / 011-23016857

CM West Bengal – Fax Number- 033-22145480/ 22141341
Minster of Home Affairs for State Fax Number - 033- 22144052