Shobha Shukla, CNS (Citizen News Service)
The photograph accompanying this article, was clicked on Chinese New Year (16th February 2018) in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It is a signpost/ notice written in Thai, English and Chinese (in that order) in a temple, having a statue of Ganesha, situated in the heart of the city in front of Maya Mall. I reproduce the English version:
"1. Women during pregnancy and menstruation are not allowed to visit
2. Non vegetarian food and some fruits such as sapodilla plum, monkey apple, custard apple, langsad (langsart) and longkong are strictly not allowed
3. Please take off your shoes
Thank you for your prompt compliance with this notification."

"1. Women during pregnancy and menstruation are not allowed to visit
2. Non vegetarian food and some fruits such as sapodilla plum, monkey apple, custard apple, langsad (langsart) and longkong are strictly not allowed
3. Please take off your shoes
Thank you for your prompt compliance with this notification."