Sustainable Development e-Talks (#SDGtalks), was a special series of online talks featuring insights from 82 thought leaders from 14 countries globally, on range of issues around sustainable development (over 30 sessions for 50+ hours)
CNS and Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Indore (India) co-hosted these online talks and conversations with senior thought leaders (from India and around the world) on a range of issues around United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDGs enshrine promises made by India along with 193 countries globally to achieve by 2030. With 125 months left to deliver on these SDGs, these talks are aimed to promote eLearning, online knowledge sharing, information exchange, dialogue and debate and discussion, with respect for dissent, around sustainable development, where “no one is left behind”.
These talks are made possible with support from students of IIM Indore (work-from-home internship students) and CNS team, from World Health Day (7 April 2020) to Doctors' Day 1st July 2020.
1 July: #SDGtalks special (2): Indian Institute of Management Indore students will share insights on sustainable development
[watch the recording (YouTube, Facebook), listen to podcast]
[watch the recording (YouTube, Facebook), listen to podcast]
30 June: #SDGtalks special (1): Indian Institute of Management Indore students will share insights on sustainable development
[watch the recording (YouTube, Facebook), listen to podcast]
[watch the recording (YouTube, Facebook), listen to podcast]
9 June: Preventing illness and promoting wellness for girls and women
[watch the recording (YouTube, Facebook), listen to podcast]
[watch the recording (YouTube, Facebook), listen to podcast]
- Dr Hema Divakar is among the most respected voices for preventing illness and promoting wellness for girls and women in India and globally. She has been the past President of the largest body of specialist obstetricians and gynaecologists (FOGSI - Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India) and has represented FOGSI at International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO). She is a senior technical advisor to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, as well as Co-Chairs speciality groups of FIGO on diabetes in pregnancy and NCDs. She is also the CEO of Asian Research and Training Institute for Skill Transfer (ARTIST) and Medical Director of Divakar Speciality Hospital in Bengaluru. She has been conferred upon the Women Achivers' Award for 2015 by FIGO; and Lifetime Achievement Awards by DIPSI (Diabetes In Pregnancy Study Group of India); Karnataka State Gynaecologists Association; and Bangalore ObGyn Society too. She was also honoured with Fellowship of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in UK.

6 June: Screening of cervical cancer[watch the recording (YouTube, Facebook), listen to podcast]
- Dr Nuzhat Husain, Dean of Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences (RMLIMS); Professor and Head, Department of Pathology, RMLIMS; and Officer In-charge of the State Referral Centre for Lab Investigations

5 June: Nuclear-free world is an imperative for sustainable development | World Environment Day
[watch the recording (YouTube, Facebook) | listen to podcast]
- Dr SP Udayakumar is a writer and anti-nuclear activist from Tamil Nadu, India. He is the convenor of the People's Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE), which has been at the forefront of anti-nuclear struggle in Kudankulam. He also co-founded the South Asian Community Center for Education and Research (SACCER). He did his PhD from University of Hawaii and Masters from University of Notre Dame.

4 June: border-free south Asia
[watch the recording | listen to podcast]
- Dr Sandeep Pandey is a noted Gandhian activist for almost thirty years now, and Ramon Magsaysay Awardee, who has taught in several Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), NALSAR, and universities in India and other countries. He has led National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM), co-founded Asha For Education in USA, Asha Trust in India, and Asha Parivar; and is the Vice President of Socialist Party (India) too. He did his BTech from IT-BHU, MS from Syracuse University and PhD from University of California, Berkeley. He has led several people's struggles and social justice movements in the past three decades. Follow him on Twitter @Sandeep4Justice
- Kanak Mani Dixit, publisher of Himal Khabarpatrika and founding Editor of Himal Southasian. He taught law briefly at Tribhuvan University, and worked at the United Nations in New York between 1982 and 1990. Since then, he has pioneered the field of Southasian journalism while immersing himself in Nepali-language media. He has also been a civil rights activist, and was active in the people’s movement of 2006. He has been involved in campaign to roll back violence and work to ensure the promulgation of a democratic constitution. He also works in disability, public transport, archiving, and architectural and environmental preservation. Twitter: @KanakManiDixit
- (moderator) Mudit Shukla, who is a senior engineer and #WalksTheTalk on being a very sensitive, and responsible citizen since years. Apart from his full-time work as an engineer, he has also shouldered his social responsibility as a citizen, and contributed immensely towards a just social order. Asha Parivar is one example of his dedication.
4 June: Inclusive and equitable quality education for all
[watch the recording (YouTube, Facebook), listen to podcast]
[watch the recording (YouTube, Facebook), listen to podcast]
- Dr Sandeep Pandey is a noted Gandhian activist for almost thirty years now, and Ramon Magsaysay Awardee, who has taught in several Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), NALSAR, and universities in India and other countries. He has led National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM), co-founded Asha For Education in USA, Asha Trust in India, and Asha Parivar; and is the Vice President of Socialist Party (India) too. He did his BTech from IT-BHU, MS from Syracuse University and PhD from University of California, Berkeley. He has led several people's struggles and social justice movements in the past three decades. Follow him on Twitter @Sandeep4Justice

[watch the recording (YouTube, Facebook), listen to podcast]
- Theresa Mathawaphan is the Chief Strategy Officer, National Innovation Agency (NIA), Thailand
[watch the recording (YouTube, Instagram TV, Facebook), listen to podcast]
- Patti Lynn, Executive Director, Corporate Accountability | "Patti started on her path to help advance social justice and dismantle systems of oppression in her lifetime when, in college, she learned about South Africa and the African National Congress. After graduating she lived and worked in Johannesburg, South Africa during the time of Nelson Mandela’s election. When she returned to the U.S., she built her organizing skills through Green Corps, campaigned successfully to stop rollbacks on federal clean water laws with Clean Water Action, and then joined Corporate Accountability in 1998."

27 May: Binding global treaty on human rights and business must address corporate capture
[watch the recording | listen to podcast]
- Maha Abdallah is a former Legal Researcher and Advocacy Officer at Al-Haq in Palestine; member, Board of Directors of ESCR-Net (International Network for Economic, Social & Cultural Rights) and part of the Project Advisory Group of ESCR-Net's Corporate Capture Project
- Mona Sabella, Corporate Accountability Working Group Coordinator, ESCR-Net

25 May: COVID-19 and young people
[watch the recording (YouTube, Facebook), listen to podcast]
- Yueping Guo, Youth Representative, China Family Planning Association and Core Member of China Youth Network
- Shelani Palihawadana, Youth Advocacy Network, Sri Lanka and Project Coordinator, "We Hear You"; youth delegate representing Sri Lanka in ICPD25, Nairobi summit
- Sangeet Kayastha, Coordinator and Founder of Y-PEER Asia Pacific Regional Center, Thailand, and International Steering Committee (ISC) member of APCRSHR10

23 May: Lung health, tobacco and COVID-19
Prof Surya Kant has been the national President of all three key professional associations of lung health experts: National College of Chest Physicians, Indian Chest Society and Indian College of Allergy, Asthma and Applied Immunology. He is the Professor and Head of Respiratory Medicine Department of King George's Medical University (KGMU) and noted globally-respected voice of reason on tuberculosis (TB), asthma, COPD, #endtobacco, air pollution, lung cancer, and other chronic respiratory diseases | watch the recording(YouTube, Instagram TV, Facebook), listen to podcast
22 May: Are we on track to prevent breast cancer and avert untimely deaths?
[watch the recording (YouTube, Instagram TV, Facebook), listen to podcast]
- Ritu Bhatia, senior journalist who specializes in medical and health journalism (and a breast cancer patient)
- Dr Pooja Ramakant, noted breast cancer surgeon and researcher; Additional Professor, Department of Endocrine Surgery, King George's Medical University (KGMU); Vice Dean of Innovations, KGMU; and former part of Editorial Board of Indian Association of Endocrine Surgeons (IAES); recipient of 2015 Fellowship of UICC (Union for International Cancer Control) in Geneva.

- Dr Lopamudra Das Roy, founded Breast Cancer Hub (BCH), has over 18 years of experience in research, training and mentoring UG and PhD candidates in the field of genetics and breast and pancreatic cancer. She has been a Research Professor, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her original research work on discovering the signaling pathway between breast cancer metastasis and arthritis, is attributed with numerous high impact factor publications and citations with global recognition from American Association of Cancer Research. She received the coveted Award of Excellence for Humanitarian service, at Male Breast Cancer Coalition Conference, 2019

- Bret Miller and Peggy Miller from Male Breast Cancer Coalition (MBCC). When diagnosed with breast cancer at age 24, Bret promised his surgeon no man would ever feel alone when hearing the words, "You have breast cancer." Teaming up with others dedicated to end the stigma and feelings of abandonment associated with a male breast cancer diagnosis, Bret and his team members formed Male Breast Cancer Coalition in 2014. Breast cancer does not discriminate and we want everyone to know "Men Have Breasts Too", says MBCC team.

21 May: Moratorium on deep sea mining is the only responsible way forward
- Dr Helen Rosenbaum is the Coordinator of the Deep Sea Mining Campaign, an association of individuals and organisations worldwide concerned about the potential impacts of DSM. Helen has 25 years experience in community development, research and policy analysis, human rights and environmental advocacy. Helen has earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Medical Research and has also worked as a marine eco- toxicologist | watch the recording | listen to podcast

14 May: Sexual and gender based violence during COVID-19 pandemic
(watch the recording (YouTube | Instagram TV 1,2 | Facebook), listen to podcast, read the article)
- Abigail Erikson, Ending Violence Against Women Programme Specialist, UN Women, Fiji Multi-Country Office
- Ofa-Ki-Levuka Guttenbeil-Likiliki, Director, Women and Children Crisis Centre (WCCC), Tonga
- Dr Chivorn Var, Executive Director of Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia (RHAC) and Convener of 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights (APCRSHR10), Cambodia
- Matcha Phorn-in, an ethnic minority Lesbian Feminist Women Human Right Defender, Founder Executive Director of Sangsan Anakot Yawachon Development Project

12 May: Health impact of tobacco use
- Dr Mayank Somani, MD and CEO, Apollo Medics Super-Speciality Hospitals and Chief Consultant, Critical Care, Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine
- Dr Ajaya Kumar, Senior Consultant, Internal Medicine, Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, Apollo Medics Super-Speciality Hospitals
watch the recording (YouTube, Instagram TV, Facebook), listen to podcast

- Khagraj Adhikari, Member of Parliament, Nepal and Chair of APCAT Parliamentarians
- Shameem Haider Patwary, Member of Parliament, Bangladesh
- Bima Arya Sugiarto, Mayor, Bogor, Indonesia and Co-chair of APCAT
- Jose Martinho Dos Santos Soares, Mayor, Ermera, Timor-Leste
- Han Kosal, Deputy Governor, Kampong Cham, Cambodia
- Menno van Hilten, World Health Organisation
- Tara Singh Bam, The Union Asia Pacific
- Shobha Shukla, CNS and APCAT Media (moderator)

8 May: Energy democracy is vital for SDGs
- Dr Sandeep Pandey is a noted Gandhian activist for almost thirty years now, and Ramon Magsaysay Awardee, who has taught in several Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), NALSAR, and universities in India and other countries. He has led National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM), Asha Parivar, and is the Vice President of Socialist Party (India) too. He did his BTech from IT-BHU, MS from Syracuse University and PhD from University of California, Berkeley. He co-founded Asha For Education in US, and Asha Trust in India. He has led several foot marches against use of nuclear energy and people's struggles for a just and social order for all. Follow him on Twitter @Sandeep4Justice | watch the recording (YouTube, Instagram TV, Facebook), listen to podcast

6 May: Self-reliance and sustainable living
- Jon Jandai co-founded Pun Pun Centre for Self-Reliance in northern Thailand. "During his younger days, Jon was drawn by the bright lights of big cities and left his family farm to seek the richness of Bangkok, but after a number of years there, he decided to return to his village." Pun Pun doubles as a centre for sustainable living and seed production, aiming to bring indigenous and rare seeds back into use. "We believe in learning by doing and that there is not only one way of doing things. We do not believe in experts, but in learning together by sharing our collective experience. We have seen that through opening the door for further exploration, new developments can occur. 'Mistakes' are simply opportunities for more learning." (listen to his TEDx Talk here; read this article featuring Jon Jandai) | watch the recording (YouTube, Instagram TV, Facebook), listen to podcast

4 May: Journey to end AIDS since first case got diagnosed in India - reflections from longest serving HIV medical expert in the country
- Dr Ishwar Gilada, is among the first medical doctors who began HIV care when first case got diagnosed in India. He is a living chronicle of India's fight to stop AIDS over the past almost thirty five years now. He established India's first HIV clinic in government-run JJ Hospital Mumbai, have led from the front in fighting AIDS related stigma and discrimination, and made an indelible mark in his journey to care for thousands of people living with HIV as the years rolled by. He established Unison Medicare and Research Centre, and is the President of AIDS Society of India (national professional association of HIV medical experts and researchers). He was also elected to the Governing Council of International AIDS Society (IAS) from Asia and the Pacific | watch the recording (YouTube, Instagram TV, Facebook), listen to podcast

1 May: How AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning)-based solutions can address the challenges in healthcare including those in India
- Prof (Dr) Rishi Sethi, Department of Cardiology, King George's Medical University (KGMU) who chaired national heart disease scientists team to develop India's first-ever national guidelines for management of heart attacks. He is also Dean of Innovations at KGMU and a respected voice in cardiology and biomedical innovations. Past Chairman of STEMI Sub-Speciality Council of Cardiological Society of India, he is also represented on scientific committee of Asia Pacific Society of Interventional Cardiology | watch the recording (YouTube, Instagram TV, facebook), listen to podcast

- Amit Khare, co-founder and CEO, Evolko Systems Inc, a California-based medical technology company that provides Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning based solutions to prescreen patients ahead of consultation and post-consultation monitoring during the treatment. Evolko has served over 8 million patients. The Evolko solution is deployed in India in large public hospitals like KGMU Lucknow as well as prestigious private hospitals like Hiranandani Mumbai. Prior to co-founding Evolko Systems Inc, Amit was heading the Software Engineering Division of Oracle at Redwood Shores California. He served for more than 20 years in Oracle, managing global software teams in the USA, Ireland, Romania, and India | watch the recording (YouTube, Instagram TV, facebook), listen to podcast

29 April: Health security for all and COVID-19: role of parliamentarians
- Barrister Shameem Haider Patwary, Member of Parliament (MP) Bangladesh; Barrister at law, and Chairman of Dhaka International University. He is also part of Asia Pacific Parliamentarians' Caucus for tobacco control and NCDs prevention (APCAT Parliamentarians) and Asia Pacific Cities Alliance for Tobacco Control and NCDs prevention (APCAT) | watch the recording (YouTube, Instagram TV, Facebook), listen to podcast

- Aditi Ghosh, Deputy Director, Humanitarian Programme, International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) | watch the recording (YouTube, Instagram TV, facebook), listen to podcast
24 April: Patents, right to health and access to medicine
- Anand Grover, is a noted senior lawyer and former United Nations Special Rapporteur (UNSR) on the Right to Health (2008-2014). He co-founded the Delhi-based Lawyers' Collective in 1981. He has actively advocated for and represented human rights defenders as a lawyer, and also has been a globally respected voice on access to medicines and human right to health | watch the recording (YouTube, Instagram TV, facebook), listen to podcast
- Ela Gandhi, a noted peace activist, former Member of Parliament and former Vice President of Natal Indian Congress in South Africa, and granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi. She fought against apartheid in South Africa, was under house arrest for nine years, and has worked tirelessly to end all forms of violence. She founded the Gandhi Development Trust which promotes non-violence, and was a founder member and chair of the Mahatma Gandhi Salt March Committee. She received the Community of Christ International Peace Award, and was also conferred upon the prestigious Padma Bushan by the President of India | watch the recording (YouTube, Instagram TV, facebook), listen to podcast

20 April: Climate justice and sustainable development
- Tetet Nera-Lauron, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung | Center for International Dialogue and Cooperation Advisor for United Nations program | International Politics Unit | Twitter @tetetlauron | watch the recording, listen to podcast

17 April: How development justice and a feminist fossil-fuel-free future is the response we will need to rebuild after COVID-19
- Kate Lappin, Regional Secretary (Asia Pacific), Public Services International (PSI) | She is the former Regional Coordinator of the Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD) | Twitter @katelap | watch the recording, listen to podcast

16 April: Predicting the possible impact of COVID19 pandemic on the SDGs
- Dr Tim France, global health thought leader and Managing Director, Inis Communication; He has held positions in the World Health Organization (WHO)'s Global Programme on AIDS and UNAIDS, the Roll Back Malaria Partnership, the Foundation du Présent, and the founding of Health & Development Networks (HDN). He has served as Scientific Editor for two popular international scientific journals: the British Journal of Haematology and the European Journal of Cancer. Tim has been an approved editor at WHO since 1993 | Twitter @francetim

13 April: Impact of COVID-19 on SRHR and LGBT rights in Asia Pacific
- Prof Dr Dédé Oetomo, Adjunct Lecturer at the Faculty of Business and Economics, Universitas Surabaya, Indonesia; Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia; and the Postgraduate Program, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya, Indonesia. He is a scholar, educator and activist in research, education and advocacy in the fields of language and society, HIV/AIDS and sexuality, mainly at GAYA NUSANTARA Foundation, APCOM and the Coalition for Sexual & Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR) | Twitter @dedeoetomo | watch the recording, listen to podcast

10 April: Kerala's response to corona virus disease (COVID-19)
- Prof (Dr) R Sajith Kumar, Chief of Infectious Diseases, Government Medical College in Kerala, India; Governing Council member of AIDS Society of India (ASI, national network of HIV medical experts and scientists) and President of Association of Physicians of India for Kerala Chapter. He was aso the first doctor who began HIV care in Kerala when first case got diagnosed in the state

7 April: World Health Day Webinar: Health For All and corona virus disease (COVID-19)
Watch the recording | listen to podcast
- Dr Trupti Gilada-Baheti, Infectious diseases expert, Unison Medicare and Research Centre, Mumbai, India
- Dr Tara Singh Bam, Deputy Regional Director (Asia Pacific), International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union)
- Dr Jameel Zamir, Director of Programmes, International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), East and South East Asia and Oceania region
- Laura Wedeen, Associate Vice President of the International Programs, Population Reference Bureau (PRB)
- Chu Viet Nga, Programme Manager, HelpAge International in Vietnam