(click here to register) In lead up to 2024 World TB Day, be welcome to join us in our annual End TB Dialogues Summit on 19th March, 2pm IST. The theme is: “Treatment is prevention: Find all TB → treat all TB → prevent all TB → end TB."
19th March, Tuesday
2pm India time/ 10:30am Zimbabwe
Register on Zoom
Organised together by:
TB People (India), TB People (Zimbabwe), TB People (Botswana), Global Antimicrobial Resistance Media Alliance (GAMA), Asia Pacific Media Alliance for Health and Development (APCAT Media), Health TV Online Nepal and CNS
Dedication to Naresh Yadav
This annual End TB Dialogues is dedicated to the fond memory of Naresh Yadav, who sadly passed away on 12th March 2024. Naresh led the National Coalition of People Living with HIV in India as President and was the Board member of TB People (India).
Opening session speakers
- Dr Lucica Ditiu, Executive Director of Stop TB Partnership
- Daxa Patel, TB Survivor & Secretary General, TB People (India)
- Tariro Kutadza, TB survivor & founder of TB People (Zimbabwe)
- Sriram Natarajan, thought leader on point-of-care and point-of-need diagnostics and co-founder & CEO Molbio Diagnostics
- Norman Kagiso Matiting, TB survivor, leads TB People (Botswana)
- Albert Nyathi, TB champion, writer, musician, poet from Zimbabwe
- Shobha Shukla, founder Executive Director and Managing Editor CNS and Chairperson, Global AMR Media Alliance and APCAT Media
Speakers of session on #FindAllTB
- Scientia Professor Dr Guy Marks, noted respiratory medicine expert UNSW; and President, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union)
- Dr Samantha Tinsay, Municipal Health Officer, Bantayan Municipality, Philippines
- Prabodh Bhambal, Executive Director, Union South East Asia
Speakers of session on #TreatAllTB
- Professor Dr Mario Raviglione, former Director of the WHO Global Tuberculosis Programme; and Professor of Global Health at the University of Milan, Italy; founding director of the Centre for Multidisciplinary Research on Health Science
- Jahangeer Alam/ Lisbeth Aarup, Humana People to People India
Speakers of session on #PreventAllTB
- Dr Tara Singh Bam, Board Director, Asia Pacific Cities Alliance for Health and Development (APCAT) Singapore
- Dr Rajesh Kumar Sood, Kangra District Health Officer and District TB Officer
- Professor Dr Surya Kant, Head, Respiratory Medicine Department, KGMU; Chairperson of North Zone and UP Task Force for TB Elimination
- Dr Ajay Kumar Meher, RATIONS Study co-researcher
- Manoj Pardeshi, co-founder of National Coalition of People living with HIV in India (NCPI Plus) and TB People (India)
CNS team
#ItsTimeForAccountability #ItsTimeForAChange #MakeADifference #BeTheChange #findalltbtostoptb #findalltbtoendtb #WorldTBDay #WorldTBDay2024 #WTBD2024 #YesWecanendTB