To learn more about CNS Health Fellows 2011, 2012 and 2013, click here. CNS awards annual health fellowships to health writers from low- and middle- income countries to achieve the following objectives:
- Increase evidence-based health reporting from the frontlines
- Document voices of affected communities dealing with specific health issues
- Build upon the understanding and sensitivity of CNS Health Fellows on a range of health issues
- Increase community-centric health news coverage in local newspapers and other media channels
- Raise awareness and build public consciousness on public health issues through sustained health news coverage
The CNS Health Fellows will:
- Receive exclusive and latest media advisories or issue briefs on specific health issues regularly so that they can conduct in-country interviews and speak their world bringing local realities to the fore
- Participate in video-conferencing/ webinars/ online dialogue on specific issues
- Get ongoing mentorship from CNS experts and key external stakeholders
- Connect with key experts in their own country or region on relevant issues for interviews or learning sessions, including those from affected communities
- Write in-depth (500-700 words) news feature articles (or broadcasts) every month based upon interviews with affected communities and suggested experts
- Receive high quality professional editing of their articles by CNS Editors
- Benefit from high quality translation of their articles if required
- Get published on CNS websites
- Get more visibility through dissemination of their articles through CNS syndicate, and other social media platforms
- Get preference when CNS is putting together an on-site team for conference reporting at various regional or global health conferences, meetings or other events
- Be awarded a certificate recognizing their contribution and participation in the annual CNS Health Fellowship programme and a lot more!
Who should apply?
- Those who have written (or broadcasted), preferably for at least two years, on relevant health priorities in their local contexts in local vernacular languages or English for online, print or electronic media
- Those who write from low- and middle- income countries
- Those interested in expanding their knowledge of neglected health issues, translating scientific information and mobilizing communities
- Those who have excellent writing skills and ability to communicate with a wide variety of people including senior government officials, officers of non-governmental agencies or other stakeholders for interviews
- Those living and/or working in communities affected by key health conditions
- Those with a working knowledge of social, structural and biological issues related to health
- Those who have the ability to work independently and deliver high-quality work on time
- Those who are computer proficient in MS Word and have access to internet (for Skype calls)
- Those who have contributed content to CNS in the past will get a preference
* CNS is committed to workforce diversity
- Those who have ever worked with tobacco industry or its allies (directly or indirectly) need not apply
- This CNS Health Fellowship Programme does not provide any financial assistance (although Fellows will be considered for other projects CNS is involved with)
How to apply?
If you are interested in applying to the programme, please complete the online application form below before 25th January 2014, 5pm IST;
- Saturday, 25th January 2014: 5pm IST
- Selection announcements will be made by early February 2014