The International Women's Day campaign website explains why they chose this theme: #BalanceForBetter - because "...the future is exciting. Let's build a gender-balanced world. Everyone has a part to play - all the time, everywhere. From grassroots activism to worldwide action, we are entering an exciting period of history where the world expects balance. We notice its absence and celebrate its presence. Balance drives a better working world. Let's all help create a #BalanceforBetter".
Several male and female medical super-specialists of premier government tertiarycare hospitals in Lucknow, India, have joined hands with gender justice activists, to bring women's health in spotlight of the discourse for better tomorrow. Led by noted breast cancer surgeon, researcher and advocate Dr Pooja Ramakant from Endocrine Surgery Department and radiation oncologist and cancer control advocate Dr Sudhir Singh from Radiotherapy Department of King George's Medical University (KGMU), this event will be held in Shatabdi-Phase-II of KGMU on 8th March afternoon (begins 1:30pm).
Being jointly organized by departments of Endocrine Surgery, Radiation Therapy, Surgical Oncology and Transfusion Medicine of King George’s Medical University (KGMU), in collaboration with Endocrine Surgery Department of Dr RML Institute of Medical Sciences (RMLIMS) and various other surgical specialities, this unique event will bring together over two dozen male and female super-specialist medical experts and gender justice advocates. Audience includes male and female patients, relatives and attendants, other healthcare providers on range of issues impacting women's health. CNS Executive Director and gender justice advocate Shobha Shukla, is also on the panel. Lions Club Century is being represented by Dr Rama Shankhdhar, WHO Director General's Awardee Professor (Dr) Rama Kant, and Colonel (Dr) Satendra Sabhlok.
"While women are the main caregivers in their families and communities, their own health often remains neglected due to a variety of reasons, including lack of awareness, deeply entrenched gender inequalities and social barriers" rightly said Shobha Shukla, Managing Editor at CNS, who superannuated from prestigious Loreto Convent College where she served as senior faculty (Physics) for over three decades.
Galaxy of senior medical super-specialists who are likely to be on the panel includes: Vice Chancellor of KGMU and noted radiation oncologist Professor (Dr) Madan Lal Brahma Bhatt, breast cancer and endocrine surgeon who heads Endocrine Surgery at KGMU Professor (Dr) Anand K Mishra, breast cancer surgeon and Endocrine Surgery faculty KGMU Dr Kul Ranjan Singh, breast cancer surgeon and Endocrine Surgery faculty at RMLIMS Dr Roma Pradhan, cancer surgeon and head of Surgical Oncology at KGMU Professor (Dr) Arun Chaturvedi, oral health specialist and Orthodontics faculty KGMU Dr Dipti Shastri, blood safety specialist and head of Transfusion Medicine KGMU Professor (Dr) Tulika Chandra, Medical Superintendent and head of Neurosurgery KGMU Professor (Dr) BK Ojha, cancer surgeon and Surgical Oncology faculty Dr Sameer, breast pathology expert and Pathology faculty KGMU Dr Chanchal Rana, and many others are likely to join the panel to mark International Women's Day 2019.
CNS will be LIVE streaming this event on its Facebook (click here).
CNS (Citizen News Service)
5 March 2019
Daily Pioneer, 8th March 2019 |