Date: Tuesday, 26th May 2015
Time: 1:00pm Central European Time, 7:00am Eastern Standard Time, 4:30pm Indian Standard Time
(check www.timeanddate.com for your local time)
Duration: 60 minutes
To register, click here
Why join?
On 31st May 2015, public health advocates around the world will observe World No Tobacco Day. Tobacco use is a global health epidemic, with one person dying every six seconds from a tobacco-related disease. Despite decades of research documenting the devastating impact of tobacco use on health, many smokers are still unaware of the specific harms caused by tobacco use and underestimate risks to themselves and others.
Graphic health warnings on tobacco packaging are an effective platform for highlighting the health consequences of smoking, especially amongst populations where literacy is low. Now, more than 63 countries have introduced graphic health warnings - they motivate smokers to quit, and discourage non-smokers from starting. In Brazil, for example, two thirds of smokers said the warnings made them want to quit, while in Singapore 71 percent of smokers said they knew more about the health effects of smoking because of the warnings. Because this measure to reduce tobacco use is so effective, the tobacco industry is taking legal action against countries introducing or enlarging graphic health warnings.
During this webinar find out more about tobacco packaging and labelling, and other key tobacco control measures, from experts working around the globe.
Join this webinar if you’d like to understand:
- What are the major challenges in tobacco control
- What progress has been made in advancing tobacco control
- How the global community can work to improve tobacco control
About the Experts:
- [Presentation] Prof Rishi Sethi, Professor of Cardiology, King George's Medical University (KGMU) - moderator
- [Presentation] Dr Ehsan Latif, Director of the Department of Tobacco Control, the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union)
- [Presentation] Dr Tara Singh Bam, The Union’s technical advisor on tobacco control to Nepal and Indonesia
To register, click here
We look forward to hearing your voices and questions in this discussion. And, as always, please email us at webinar@citizen-news.org with questions, comments and suggestions.
Citizen News Service (CNS) Webinars team